Minggu, 19 September 2010


One might infer from such a statement that strat-egists are born, not made. Not so, Ohmae responded, “There are ways in which the mind of the strategist can be reproduced or simulated, by people who may lack a natural talent for strategy . . . there are some specific concepts and approaches that help anyone develop the kind of mentality that comes up with superior strategic ideas.”34
If Ohmae is correct, what then are these concepts and approaches that, if taught, can help develop good strategists? What then are those universal elements that constitute sound approach to dealing with a problem? What are the concepts that, through practice, will train the mind to think rationally and methodically, yet serve to stimulate the creative processes and thus lead to the development of well-framed game plans, elements that can be applied at all levels of human interaction, whether one is dealing with a crisis, an immediate confrontation, or engaged in long-term planning?

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